General list of todo items to get a paper that I can hand to Dr. Sheppard as a starting point.
Misc Notes
Collection of misc notes to make sure end up in the paper
- GIS is a fundamental in a lot of these workflows
- Forest management uses a wide range of objectives (timber, protection/recreation, climate)
- Should fire spread and fire danger rating be two different things? ref
- Many of the sources point that a simplier, easier to understand metric is better than an overly complex one.
Companies in this space
- FTS (Forest Technology Systems Ltd)
- Google Partnership with FireSat
- FireGrowthModel
- InFORM, which is build on the IRWIN system
Lessons to learn
- There is a different solution to every locale. It is not going to be a one-size fits all kinda problem.
- connection to natural hazard literature
- risk perception gap
- a lot of recent emphasis on climate change. As the climate changes, the domain we are learning is shifting. How can we account for this shift in our models?
- a Bernoulli calcuated from a history is not a probabilistic model. It is a statistical history.
!! See outline
Review of subgroups
- Expert Systems (13)
- Ranking Systems (16)
- RIDM (7)
- CRM/CAS (*)
- Prob DSS, Adaptive DSS, PRA (19)
- Probabilistic models (15)
Contribution chunk
- Create synthesis of review paradigms (22)
- Human aspect of DSS
- Opinions
All the misc
- Introduction
- Motivation/hypothesis statement
- Methodology
- Background
- PRA, DSS, etc. approach to doing things
- Application of DSS's in other domains
- Wildland management
- Statistics vs probability
- Methodology
- Discussion
- Short comings of the methodology
- Bookkeeping
- Title
- Author list
- Formatting
- References