
  1. \(1994\) Integration of a rule-based expert system with GIS through a relational database management system for forest resource management

    INFORMS-TX (Integrated Forest Resource Management System in Texas), created by the USDA Forest Service and Texas A&M University. Might be connected to the modern InFORM project. Builds on a larger project from two years earlier, this time adding GIS data.

  2. \(2003\) An intelligent system for forest fire risk prediction and fire fighting management in Galicia

  3. \(2013\) Current status and future needs of the BehavePlus Fire Modeling System

  4. \(2017\) The effects of thinning and burning on understory vegetation in North America: A meta-analysis"

  5. \(2019\) A statistical model for predicting PM2.5 for the western United States


  1. \(1996\) FIRETOOL: An Expert System for the use of Prescribed Fires in Brazilian Savannas


  1. \(2004\) A Screening-Level Assessment of the Health Risks of Chronic Smoke Exposure for Wildland Firefighters

  2. \(2011\) Exposure to bushfire smoke during prescribed burns and wildfires: Firefighters’ exposure risks and options

  3. \(2017\) A Review of the Field on Children’s Exposure to Environmental Contaminants: A Risk Assessment Approach


  1. \(2006\) A forest management risk insurance model and its application to coniferous stands in southwest Germany

  2. \(2010\) Economic optimization of wildfire intervention activities

  3. \(2014\) Reducing wildfire risk to urban developments: Simulation of cost-effective fuel treatment solutions in south eastern Australia

  4. \(2019\) Importance of considering the growth response after partial harvesting and economic risk of discounted net revenues when optimizing uneven-aged forest management